Thursday, August 29, 2013

8/28 Blue Day/Open House

I put together a bundle in My Big Campus using videos Mr. Carl's Feel the History class had made so that are students could look at the Captains of Evansville industry when we looked at Big Business. The corporation is really pushing My Big Campus and it seems to work well, however the students netbooks are unreliable. I really like how Mr. Carl brings in a lot of Evansville history whenever we look at the units for our classes. The students definitely find it more interesting if there are learning information that they can identify with places and people they know from around town. It is a skill I hope to be able to develop and master wherever I end up teaching.

At the beginning of both classes I thought it was important to go over what segregation was and the Reconstruction amendments. I felt it was important because in looking over the quizzes I noticed that it was missed by most of the class. I felt that this was a time where I could use the quiz as a formative assessment before the larger test at the end of the unit. I want to try and come up with some formative assessments throughout the units that I teach so I can see what I need to go over and build a test bank for the end of unit quiz.

Open House was a new experience, but I felt that it went well. Parents had the option to come in over a two hour period and do a meet and greet. I felt a little awkward because I was the student teacher, but I talked to most of the parents that came in. I know that at my high school the parents follow a bell schedule and go to each class for about ten minutes. I know that its easier for parents to be able to show up during a two hour window instead of a start time, but it does make it harder when parents come in to keep giving the same introduction and have more parents walk in while you are talking to a few already. The turn out was decent for a high school open house and I felt that it was a good experience.

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